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Sunday 18 March 2012

10 Benefits of Writing on Triond


Like many other people on Triond, I give it a lot of flak for paying poorly, being inefficient and wasting time but there are hidden benefits of staying on this writing site and I am going to give you ten reasons to put up with the negative aspects.

Beautiful Mature Skin Naturally? No Weird Old Trick required!

The advertisements for anti-wrinkle treatments that are popping up beside Triond articles keep catching my eye.

Society’s obsession with the quest for eternal youth stems from a biological desire to remain attractive to the opposite sex for fertility reasons. The media plays on our insecurities about ageing to sell us expensive products and sign us up for expensive cosmetic procedures. Old age in women is a bit of a taboo subject. Wrinkles, grey hair…God who still wants to take their photograph or have sex with them? Males in their later years go after the fast bikes and fertile young girls while the older females often become sexually disinterested and thus rejected. This is the cause for much conflict and it is neither party’s fault. Our bodies respond to our biology. A woman has her reproductive years and yet a man can go on producing sperm until he dies.

Men are like fine wines, they often improve with age. A well-established older man can attract a beautiful young female, even a not-so-well-off middle aged man can get a pretty youngster who is looking for a father figure or aspires to becoming a trophy girlfriend. However, the word ‘Cougar’ still makes us giggle and slightly cringe. People might go ‘phoar’ when they see an older man with a pretty young thing, other men will be envious, women curious, but when it comes to the older woman i.e. Madonna and her toyboy people consider that things are not right.

Older ladies get bad press. Somebody posed for the ‘before’ photograph in the anti-wrinkle advert. I mean, if somebody asked me to model ‘wrinkly 57 year old’ I’d punch them in the chops! Even worse, the woman used in the ‘after’ part of the advertisement isn’t even the same woman. She’s twenty five! It does make me wonder who falls for these ads and buys the products. Surely nobody believes that they can turn back the clock that far. No. The adverts operate on our subconscious on a deeper level, simply ‘wrinkles =shame.’

If we look at fairy tales woman are either youthful, virginal, desirable or witches and ugly sisters. There is no in between.

I have talked about the biological attraction of youth but do you choose to see the trickery and manipulation behind the anti-wrinkle, anti-ageing, anti-anything old incentive? I have chosen some photographs of older women around the world.

Jubilee Fever! Astonishing Souvenirs to mark Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Anniversary on the English Throne

Jubilee Fever! Astonishing Souvenirs to mark Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Anniversary on the English Throne.

What will happen on Queen Elizabeth's Jubilee?

10 Traditions in Her Majesty's Honour

10 Suggestions for Promoting your Writing

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Promoting your work needn’t be expensive (unless you want it to be). There are lots of ways you can reach out to audiences; all you really require is perseverance and patients. Rome wasn’t built in a day! Don’t be put off by rejection, if everybody loved everything you wrote the first time there would be no room for improvement.

1. Pick popular topics. Keep an eye on ‘hot content’ and ‘top searches’ so that you know what is popular and can show off your writing skills by producing articles of widely sought after information.

2. Link your articles/fiction as widely as possible.Triond offers the opportunity to post your links on an enormous number of writing sites. Some are good, some bad and some downright bizarre! As you get to know them you will be able to decide which ones you like and which ones you don’t. Almost all of them will let you create a personalised profile page to display your work. See how many hits come back on your Triond dashboard to work out which sites are worthwhile. I like Stumbleupon, Xanga, Zooloo, and Digg.

3. Maximise tags.When you have written your article add 50-100 tags (minimum). If you feel like going the extra mile, purchase Google Adwords too.

4. Design a website. If you are good with technology then you will be able to make your own from scratch, if not then chose a site builder package. There are millions to choose from but if you are looking to keep costs low then something like 123 Regoffers pretty good value for money. They have useful facilities available such as online shop and forum.

5. Create a Google blog. Hosting is free and you can add a Triond widget by going to the Widgetbox site. Type in your Triond user name to create a personalised badge which automatically updates when you publish something new on Triond. To add it to your blog go to ‘design’ and then ‘add a gadget’ and chose ‘HTML’from the list of options. Paste your Triond widget code from Widget box into the space and ‘save’. Hey presto! The personalised Triond widget is now visible on your blog. You can also add face book and twitter widgets by the same method.

Look out for companies who will sponsor your blog. They promote you and offer you a percentage. Be wary of telling them your PayPal details until you are comfortable. There are a lot of genuine companies out there who will act as sponsors, but there are many scams too. Exercise caution and get recommendations where possible.

6. Open a writer’s page on Facebook and update readers by posting links and updating your status with what you are working on. You could promote it with an advert but I don’t think this is really worthwhile. You will soon see news getting around regardless.

7. Make a promotional video or trailer. If you are a writer or poet, why not make a video of you reading some of your work? Videos can be uploaded on Triond under ‘media’ and will appear on sites such as Kleep. You could also upload them to Utube and post them on Facebook.

8. Get known where you live! Attend open mic nights or poetry reading evenings in your area. If your local church or town hall is putting on an evening of festive entertainment, enquire about performing a Christmas themed monologue etc.

9. Create a business card. Vistaprint is very good for affordable personalised stationary and you can either use a template or design your own. They also offer to make postcards, posters and pens which could be useful for giving to libraries and book shops.

10. Offer to write on demand. For those of you who are more interested in writing articles than being creative there are loads of sites looking for writers to rate products and write about specific topics. Some may ask to see your resume so create one which specifically focuses on your experience as a writer rather than the day jobs you have done!!

The Allure of the White Lion

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Timbavati camp in the Kruger National Park is best known for its white lions which are a source of fascination to many, in fact in the 1970s Chris McBride wrote a book entitled The White Lions of Timbavati.

White lions were first sighted in 1928. These animals are not albino but possess gene which inhibits colour. These animals are known as Leusistic and differ from albinos in that the reduced skin pigment is universal not just the melanin. Another way of differentiating leusistics from albinos is that they have normal coloured eyes, not red. Colours of White Lions range from milky blonde to almost pure white.

Such a gene also creates White Tigers, and so many animals are inbred for exhibition. Inbreeding may lead to physical defects such as heart conditions and poor fertility. Despite these likely health risks, white lions continue to be bred for fear that they will become extinct.

Linda Tucker Writes in her book, Mystery of the White Lions. Children of the Sun God that white lions are bred in South Africa for special hunts. Their pigmentation makes them highly visible and therefore an easy target for hunters.

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