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Tuesday, 27 December 2011
Sunday, 25 December 2011
The Creators of Christmas Carols
They talk of shepherds, wise men and a babe in a cradle, of bleak winters, towns called Bethlehem and silent nights. Nearly everyone knows a collection of Chistmas Carols. From bastardised versions in school assembly halls to choirs in shopping centres, TV and radio stations or church services. At the festive time of the year it is impossible to do without them but who are the artists behind these well known Carols?
The question came to me during Saint Andrew’s yearly Parish Church Festival of Lessons and Carols as I glanced down at Once in Royal David’s City. A poet myself, I am fascinated to discover that the carol was originally written as a poem by an Irish poet and hymn writer Cecil Frances Alexander. The carol was first published in 1848. In 1849 it was set to music by a British songwriter and organist Henry Gauntlet.
‘Once in Royal David’s City
Next we have Silent Night (1816) the words were originally written in Austrian by a Roman Catholic priest named Joseph Mohr. In 1818 Franz Xaver Gruber, an Austrian headmaster and organist of a primary school in Arnsdorf was asked by Mohr to set a poem he had written to music. Un fortunately that Christmas the organ was out of service so Gruber arranged the carol Stille Nacht for guitar.
In 1859 second Bishop of Florida John Freeman Young translated the carol into English version we are familiar with today.
Christina Rossetti is known for her poems ‘Goblin Market’ and a love poem entitled ‘Remember’. She is also remembered for the lyrics to In the Bleak Midwinter which was written around 1870 following a request from a magazine to pen a Christmas poem. The carol was set by Gustav Holst in 1906 and by Harold Edwin Darke in 1909. Darke’s setting was deemed best Christmas Carol by experts in 2008.
The tune of Adeste Fideles or O Come all ye Faithful is accredited to John Francis Wade who lived much of his life amongst exiled English Catholics in France, having escaped the Jacobite rising (1745). He was both a hymnist and teacher of music.
It is not known for certain who wrote the text for this carol but various orders of monks have been considered. The English words as we know them today are a translation from Latin by both William Oakaley and Thomas Brooke, first published in 1852.
Stood a lowly cattle shed…’
Next we have Silent Night (1816) the words were originally written in Austrian by a Roman Catholic priest named Joseph Mohr. In 1818 Franz Xaver Gruber, an Austrian headmaster and organist of a primary school in Arnsdorf was asked by Mohr to set a poem he had written to music. Un fortunately that Christmas the organ was out of service so Gruber arranged the carol Stille Nacht for guitar.
In 1859 second Bishop of Florida John Freeman Young translated the carol into English version we are familiar with today.
Christina Rossetti is known for her poems ‘Goblin Market’ and a love poem entitled ‘Remember’. She is also remembered for the lyrics to In the Bleak Midwinter which was written around 1870 following a request from a magazine to pen a Christmas poem. The carol was set by Gustav Holst in 1906 and by Harold Edwin Darke in 1909. Darke’s setting was deemed best Christmas Carol by experts in 2008.
The tune of Adeste Fideles or O Come all ye Faithful is accredited to John Francis Wade who lived much of his life amongst exiled English Catholics in France, having escaped the Jacobite rising (1745). He was both a hymnist and teacher of music.
It is not known for certain who wrote the text for this carol but various orders of monks have been considered. The English words as we know them today are a translation from Latin by both William Oakaley and Thomas Brooke, first published in 1852.
Oh come all ye faithful
Joyful and triumphant…’
‘In the bleak midwinter
frosty winds made moan…’
‘Silent Night, holy night
All is Calm, all is Bright…’
Friday, 2 December 2011
Voice of an Angel Duped by Murdoch?
image wiki
Singer Charlotte Church told the Leveson enquiry (set up to explore the behaviour of the media in light of the recent phone hacking scandal) that Rupert Murdoch offered her positive media coverage in return for a free performance of ‘Pie Jesu’ at his wedding to Wendy Deng eleven years ago. News International disputed the claims, saying that Charlotte performed at Murdoch’s wedding as a surprise for the media mogul.
The Welsh born singer who shot to fame on This Morning and the Big Big Talent Show (1997) states that she was pressured into waiving the wedding fee by advisers who insisted on the value of Murdoch’s influence as opposed to the £100,000 she would alternatively receive. 13 year old Charlotte would have preferred to have taken the money and spent it on Tamagotchis.
Charlotte Church implied that in spite of her free concert, Murdoch’s papers still allowed her and her family to be a victim of predatory paparazzi and illegal phone hacking. Aged 15 one newspaper ran a countdown to the time she was sixteen and old enough to have sex. On another occasion there was a story published about Church’s cocaine and sex addiction. The article was in fact about her Father who was said to be having affairs and hooked on cocaine at the time.
Charlotte Church acknowledged that she had received good press at the outset of her career but said that she had become a victim of slander and blackmail which meant that she needed to be under protection whilst in America. It may be noted here that her comments regarding the aftermath of the September the 11th bombings have been outspoken, if not inappropriate and may have also contributed to her unpopularity in the USA.
News of Charlotte’s pregnancy reached the news even before her family knew. The singer believes her phone and voicemails may have been targeted by media hackers.
Church is one of the latest to come forward with complaints about the ethics of Murdoch’s media empire. Others include the parents of murdered schoolgirl Minnie Dowler who were led to believe she was alive after voicemails were cleared. Murdoch has allowed illegal behaviour to go on involving papers such as The News of The World which quite rightly closed its doors after a series of phone hacking incidents were revealed including the afore mentioned and also footballer Ryan Giggs who sought legal action against the paper for phone hacking and exposing an alleged affair with his brother’s wife.
It is a shocking tale of blackmail, secrecy and deceit involving journalists and police alike which has caused suffering to a lot of people. Church’s Mother is said to have attempted suicide on discovering stories about her husband’s alleged affair. The Parents of Minnie Dowler were led into false hope that their daughter might still be alive. How many more skeletons are there to come out of the closet following this enquiry?
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
A Practical Exercise for Writer's Block
You know that some days you just can’t get the words to flow, day to day events are playing on your mind or else you just can’t get motivated to put pen to paper. Here is a good task to help you overcome your writer’s block.
Take a newspaper or magazine and flick through it tearing out any headlines or short bodies of text that catch your eye. It can be anything from ‘Recipe for Lemon Drizzle Cake’ to ‘Queen Looks Fresh’.
Pile all of the clippings together and then try to arrange them into a poem or a short piece of prose. For this example you might have come up with ‘Queen looks for fresh cake recipe.’ If you come up with a themed poem brilliant! If it’s poetic nonsense it doesn’t matter. Edward Lear was a great nonsense poet.
Here is a poem which I wrote composed entirely of words from Matalan catalogue. It was a challenge at first but it just goes to show that ideas for poetry are everywhere.

Smart weekender, skinny brown dog,
Hiker boots, bobble beanie.
‘Autumn looks made to last’
Gold season.
Two cream fringed woven trunks,
ruby lace butterfly, feather bowed.
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Sunday, 25 September 2011
Thursday, 1 September 2011
Marriage and Freedom (Can the two REALLY co-exist?)
Here is an interesting topic which came up in a magazine I was reading lately. I thought it was quite a good subject because the number of people who say to me, ‘if only I could get married and keep my freedom.’ It sounds a bit too much like wanting your cake and eating it. Is there freedom in marriage? and what is freedom anyway?
In the dating game you make a choice, and hopefully consider other people’s feelings in the process. Mid- teens I would turn away a man who said he wanted a one night stand or no strings, but underneath I sensed that he was discreetly hoping for a relationship. I didn’t want a relationship at the time as I was enjoying the freedom to travel study and do as I liked. I was probably lonely sometimes but that is the sacrifice you make for doing the things you want to do. I did not want to drag somebody in to a situation that was not going to last.
People make the mistake that long term single life is great. Freedom in itself is chains. A married person can’t sleep with whoever they want to any time of the day or night but on the other side of the coin a single person can’t have a back rub or a candle lit meal whenever they want it!
So you thought you were in love, you tied the knot and now you yearn for the days when you could do as you pleased, get a last minute flight, pick up a one night stand or just roll home after a drunken debaucherous adventure without anyone to object!
Flirting, dating, getting your (now spouse) naked was exciting and something that you thought about every waking hour. Things were fun and the time you spent together was valuable because you knew that it would end with a ‘good night’ or ‘goodbye’ and you would have to wait patiently to see them again. You are in love, you say, this is the real deal!
Time has passed and the wedding ring has been on for some time, you have slept in the same bed for many years and the shine has begun to tarnish a little.
When your partner is out or asleep you begin to fantasize about the times when you used to do what you wanted rather than feeling trapped into pleasing the other person all the time. They have started putting restraints on you to be home at a certain time, attend events with relatives you don’t like and do a bit of work. In the olden days you would have bent over backwards to hammer a nail in or come home for a cooked meal but now it all seems so dreary to be expected to do what you are told.
Then comes the secretary. At first it was just harmless flirtation, the odd poke on face book or a works do where you stayed out longer than you should have because they were there. They are young and sexy and lead an exciting life (Or so it seems). They make you feel wanted and special and young again.
Like a dog running off when its owner calls, you switch off your phone and indulge in that long desired word freedom.
I’ll just do it once and then we’ll forget all about it and still be great work partners. You tell yourself, but it never works out that way…
In love with two people.
Emotions run high as you begin to misinterpret lust as love. You think about them all day every day and feel miserable when you can’t see them or speak to them. Psychiatrist’s waiting rooms are full of clients claiming that they are in love with two people. Are they really? Or are they just romanticising adultery – the desire for an elicit sexual encounter and the sweet taste of lost freedom.
The spouse has been grumbling all afternoon and telling you to pick up your pants you feel like a child. He/she has taken on the role of parent, and parents are there to be disobeyed, right! Disobedience is an assertion of freedom.
The gulf widens
Sensing you are a player or thrill seeker, your mistress may begin to pull away. At home the distance between you lengthens as you have put too much attention in elsewhere and you can’t or don’t want to give it back. You are like a juggler on a high wire, trying to keep all your balls in the air. (In a manner of speaking!)
Is an attempt to control another’s freedom. It is usually viewed negatively but it can also develop out of evidence that the other is playing away. The mistress may be a lonely heart who becomes possessive of the man (see Fatal Attraction) or one party may begin stalking the other, hiring a detective or not letting them leave the house.
No it’s not a formal qualification today… it actually stands for ‘Married But Available.’
No it’s not a formal qualification today… it actually stands for ‘Married But Available.’
These are often dangerous types, unsure about what they want, or indeed wanting it all, selfish and inconsiderate. They are often blatant about their marital status and yet up for anything.
A married woman seeking a bit of freedom may find this type an attractive opportunity, He is ‘at your disposal?’ In other words ready to be put into the bin.
A married woman seeking a bit of freedom may find this type an attractive opportunity, He is ‘at your disposal?’ In other words ready to be put into the bin.
Peer pressure, Street Cred!
Some partners may enter into affairs because they do not want to be perceived as free, i.e. their own person and not under the thumb, I think that this is particularly true of men. They may also do it because they want to fit in, and flirting with a girl to impress your mates may lead to a full blown relationship.
Once a couple have children, freedom is impossible during the kids early years. The husband or wife may have some freedom by going to work but the responsibility is always present.
I will probably be heavily criticised for saying that children out on the streets late at night looting London are there because many of their parents want their freedom.
The above scenarios are commonplace in marriages throughout time. However there is some positive stuff and the good news is they do not always end in divorce…
Healthy ways to keep freedom.
Check out the menu. Eat at home.
It is quite normal to want to be desired by the opposite sex and harmless flirtation is a way of feeling that we are still attractive. The grass is not greener on the other side. Everybody has their problems and try to avoid romanticising that this person is greater than the one you already have.
Time out/open relationships
Everybody needs time out, even if it is to go to our room, paint our nails, play golf, or just be at one with ourselves. Couples need to allow each other time for same sex friendships and not be possessive over one another.
Some couples agree to letting each other have a ‘weekend off’ in order to spend it with a sexual partner of their choice. Whether this works or not depends on the couple, but it could be a lot healthier to be open with your spouse than sliding into deviance and guilt. It could also be worth explaining to the third party that this is a no strings arrangement. It may protect the third party from setting themselves up for a fall.
A high percentage of us humans are greedy buggers who just want what we can’t have, this has to do with asserting our freedom to make choices and the fact that we biologically programmed to procreate the species by promiscuity.
Time together minus one
…or however many kids there are. Nothing is worse than feeling that the children are curbing a couple’s freedom ad it is easy for this resentment to show. Go and see a movie or have a romantic dinner together and leave the brats with a minder.
Monday, 23 May 2011
Fly Agaric And The Red Nose Reindeer
(Image Wiki)
Fly Agaric or Amanita Muscaria is an easily recognisable red toadstool with white spots. The active ingredients are hallucinogenic and this is why it is often found in stories and picture books accompanied by fairies. Indeed one of the effects of Amanita consumption is the sensation of flying. Amanita heightens the senses, induces a trance like state and this can lead to spiritual experiences. The name Fly Agaric bares no relation to the flying experience under its influence but to the fact that Amanita Muscaria is a good insect repellent and was often sprinkled in milk to keep away flies.
As it happens, Fly Agaric is a favourite food of Reindeer who will seek the toadstools in places such as Siberia out even under deep snow. Some associations have been made between tripping Reindeer and the legend of Santa Clause. It would certainly explain flying reindeer with names such as Prancer, Dancer, Cupid and Comet!
‘…And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound…’
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound…’
Clement Clarke Moore (1779-1863)
Some sources describe Shaman gathering Fly Agaric in red coats with white fur and black boots. Aparently these spiritual people lived in tents known as Yurts and these had a smoke hole in the roof down which the Shaman would descend on a poll. Once safely on the ground they would hand out Fly Agaric to the guests inside. Doesn’t this compare rather well to Santa visiting with toys?
Another symptom of Fly Agaric consumption is a glowing complexion and red nose. Add to this a drug induced ‘ho ho ho’. Remind you of anyone?
Historian Ronald Hutton of the University of Bristol argues against these claims, denying that there is any evidence for the Shaman connection.
Reindeer urine containing Amanita was consumed by the Siberian peoples. The active ingredient in Amanita is not metabolised by the body and thus remains in the urine. Some say this is the origin of the term ‘getting pissed.’ Reindeer excreted Fly Agaric was much safer than the raw product because one could experience the hallucinations without the negative elements such as nausea, loss of balance and sweating etc.
Not only that, reindeer would drink human urine especially if it contained Magic Mushroom. As a result herdsmen would carry their urine in oil skins to keep the herd together.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Successful Niche Blogging For Writers
(Image wiki)
With the growth of the internet and digital services, niche blogging has become a profitable business for many people. There are a wealth of ideas to choose from such as dating, flower arranging, health and beauty and so on.
For writers, niche blogging means that traffic to your pages pays per click, so not only are you getting your name and content recognised but you are also making an income from each visitor.
Niche blogging should not be mistaken for splogging. A term which refers to spam blogging. In other words internet traffic is directed to fake, empty or non-existent websites. Niche bloggers use genuine content links and genuine web platforms.
As a writer, if you are planning to go in for niche blogging then I suggest two options. The first is ready-made niche blog sites such as Triond, Bukisa and Wiki Nut. These sites are free to join and users can display a wide range of topic on their profile.
While Wiki Nut and Bukisa categorise your content to be displayed on relevant areas of their site, Triond farms out articles to be shown on the most relevant websites such as Computersite, Socybery and Heathmad.
The Triond user’s profile acts as a platform for links and there is no actual content on Triond itself. Writers are paid per view and the websites upon which content are displayed contain pop up advertisements. There are two figures on your user account, one shows your pay received by content and the other shows what you have accumulated if you have added AdSense to your account.
If you want to go it alone then you can set up your own niche blog. This must be paid for. The website can be monetised using Google AdSense or Clickbank. Once your blog is set up then it will begin generating income.
A writer’s niche blog is not easy money. You must write regularly and consistently in order to gain an audience and keep them. When you are starting out, the best way to generate traffic is to link your articles to as many social bookmarking sites as possible. Some are good while others are a waste of time. I would recommend the following.
- Facebook and Twitter
- Stumbleupon
- Digg
- Zoolo
- Xanga
- Delicious
- Google bookmarks
- Myspace
- Amazon bookmarks
Setting up a profile with each of these is a time consuming business but once you have done it you can look for a ‘bookmarking demon’ which is a site made to enable you link all your new articles to your chosen bookmark sites in a matter of minutes.
You cannot be impatient in this business! After a few years you will start to see a rise in your earnings even when you are away from your desk.
What Planet Are You On? The Search For Gas Giant Tyche
In other words Mars, Venus, Earth, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
You may have come across this or another popular an acronym for remembering the order of the planets in the solar system (even though many dispute Pluto is a planet at all.) When I was at school there were 9 planets, well then Pluto got knocked out and demoted to star status. Now two American scientists want to stick a ball back on the galactic snooker table and call it Tyche.
Tyche is a Gas Giant and in fitting with its neighbours has been given a Greek Name. Tyche after the Greek goddess of fortune.
Matese and Whitmire are scientists from Louisiana-Lafayette University and according to Universe Today; they have been working on their theory for over 4 decades. On 26th of April 2010 they published a paper entitled ‘Evidence of a Jovian Mass Solar Companion in the Ord Cloud.’ The document explored whether the existence of such a planet could be the reason for localised long-distance comets forming a cluster band rather than taking random paths.
Other scientists are sceptical about the theory calling it un-statistically sound and the evidence ‘subtle’.
The planet is said to be 1.3 Trillion miles from the sun and have a temperature of -73 degrees C. A bit too cold for a visit then! The Daily Mail claims that it could be ‘the largest planet in the solar system’ and ‘up to 4 times the size of Jupiter.’ Tyche may not have been born in our solar system but in fact pulled in by gravity.
The question on many people’s lips is ‘if it’s so big why has it taken this long to find it?’ Well it is apparently located in the Ord Cloud which is a long long way off. Don’t forget this is only a theory, so whether Tyche really exists or is just a load of hot air, time will tell...
Forbidden Fruit. The Sensual Appeal of Durian
Durian are football sized green spikey fruit with a soft yellow pulp with the consistency of banana around large seeds. It takes its name from ‘Duri’meaning ‘thorn’. It is often referred to as ‘The king of fruit.’ While it is a delicacy to some, it is disgust to others. The smell is something of a combination of paint thinner and old gym socks. The taste outweighs the smell and it resembles custard or a sweet vanilla pudding.
Durians originated in Borneo and Sumatra and have been consumed since ancient times. It has only been known about in the west for about 600 years. Although the fruit is available in many parts of Asia, the chief exporter is Thailand.
The King of Fruit grows on mature trees after about five years. The giant globes weigh around 7lb and are a danger to pickers and they must wear hard hats at all times during the harvest.
Durian is banned from shopping malls, trains, hotels and airlines etc. Anywhere that you see this sign. Hotel staff have been reported to track down Durian eating residents and march in to fumigate the room.
In Cooking
Malaysians use Durian in candy, cakes, mousse and ice-cream.
Sambal Tempoyak is a Sumatran dish of fermented Durian, coconut milk and sambal sauce.
In Indonesia the seeds are baked with sugar and eaten as a snack. Raw Durian seeds are toxic and should not be consumed. The Indonesians also cook the young leaves, roots and stem as a vegetable.
Malaysian Border is made with minced Durian, salt and onions.
Durian honey is made with the nectar from bees. (The flowers close during the day but at night the Durian trees are pollenated by honeybees and bats.)
In the Moluccas Island, Durian husks are used to smoke fish.
Thai supermarkets sell Durian paste but this is often mixed with pumpkin which is of similar consistency.
Medicinal Properties
It is believed that a preparation of Durian leaves can aid fever. In Java Durian (pre-digested by elephants!) is sold for $300 and considered an aphrodisiac.
Words of warning
Pregnant women and those with high blood pressure are advised to avoid Durian
Do not consume the fruit with alcohol, caffeine or fizzy drinks as it will cause unbearable indigestion!
Keep The King of Fruits covered up in the fridge or the odour will contaminate everything else.
Don’t go on the pull after you have eaten Durian or you will probably get slapped!
Edible Fungi
My earlier article looked at poisonous and hallucinogenic fungi, now I am going to explore the edible varieties. Be careful with what you find and take home as even the most expert mushroom hunter has been caught out! If in doubt don’t!
Blusher or Amanita Rubenscens can be found in deciduous coniferous woodland in the late summer and autumn. The cap is pale brown to entirely dark red or brown with cream coloured warts. Pale coloured volval tissues give it a speckled finish. It gets its name from the way the flesh turns pink on bruising. The fungus has a peppery taste and leaves an acrid after taste. It is native to Europe and North America.
Ugly One, Ugly Milk Cap or Lactarius Turpis has a yellowy brown cap and is found in coniferous woodland in the autumn. It is a native to Europe and Russia but it was introduced to Australia and New Zealand. It is used in Russia as a spice and commercially available preserved in salt or pickle.
Sickener or Russula Emetica is aptly named due to the sickness it will cause if eaten raw. The Sickener can be found in woodland in the autumn. It is found in Europe, North Africa, Asia and North America. Although it will cause sickness if eaten raw it is not life threatening. Russula Emetica was once a favoured food of the red squirrel.
Poached Egg Fungus, Porcelain Mushroom or Oudemansiella Mucida has a convex head of a greyish white. It can be found in clusters on Beech boughs, stumps and trunks. The taste is nothing special.
Plums and Custard or Tricholomopsis Rutilans has a broad yellow speckled umbrella with purple scales giving it the colloquial name. It is most common in the autumn time. At one time it was considered edible after boiling but modern textbooks now record it as inedible. Plums and Custard emits a smell of rotting pinewood, it is native to Europe and North America.
Lawyers Wig, Shaggy Ink Cap or Coprinus Comatus has a tall head and shaggy white scales. As it matures it turns black and the fluid is often used as ink. Shaggy Ink Cap can be found on rubbish tips, roadsides, lawns and fields. The fungus is edible provided it is harvested prior to blackening. It should be cooked as soon as possible and can then be stored in the fridge or frozen. Lawyer’s Wig is cultivated in China for consumption. It should not be eaten with alcohol!
Antabuse Ink Cap or Coprinopsis Antramentaria is found on stumps of deciduous trees in the autumn. Its head is ribbed with grey brown scales. As it ages the gills liquefy. Like its relative Lawyer’s Wig, Antabuse Ink Cap is safe to eat provided you don’t consume it with alcohol! The fungus is sometimes referred to as Tippler’s Bane because it can cause nausea, vomiting, palpitations and tingling if taken with alcohol. Symptoms are not fatal but still pretty unpleasant.
Weeping Widow or Lacrymaria Velutina is common during the spring and autumn. It is bell shaped and fibrulous tassels give it a fringed edge. It is distributed widely throughout Europe and has a pleasant but indistinct flavour.
Dryad’s Saddle or Polyporus Squamosus is edible but rather a waste of time! It lives off deciduous trees such as Sycamore and Beech. The cream cap is large and fan shaped with rings of brown scales, it has a black base or stem. The fungus can be found on trees from spring to autumn. Its name comes from Greek Mythology where mythological creatures Known as Dryads rode on toadstools. As well as Europe, Dryad’s Saddle is found in North America, Australia and North Africa. As well as being suitable for consumption the fungus can also be used to make thick paper.
Beefsteak Fungus, Ox Tongue or Fistulina Hepatica is liver coloured and fan shaped. Tubes give it the appearance of having warts. The fungus has yellow or pink pores; it oozes a strongly acidic red juice. Beefsteak Fungus gets its Latin name from Fistula meaning small tube and hepatic concerning the liver. It is edible and has been used as a meat substitute sold in French markets.
Wood Woolyfoot or Collybia Peronata has a broad bell shaped or flat umbrella and is leathery in texture. It varies in colour from a yellow ochre to a reddish brown; the stem gives it its common name, being of woolly appearance. It is found in leaf litter around August.
Man's Best Friend. The Canine
My earlier article published on The Real Owner is entitled Man’s best Friend the Canine and looks at the way dogs help us at work in numerous different jobs. I am now going to specifically explore the use of dogs in television commercials.
Andrex toilet tissue is made by Kimberley-Clarke and known as Kleenex Cottonelle in the US. In 1972 advertisers employed ‘The Andrex Puppy’ to feature in around 130 of their advertisements. Slogans include ‘Soft strong and very long’ and ‘be kind to your behind’. The cute golden Labrador was hoped to increase sales of toilet tissue and become a memorable representative of the company.
Azko Nobel, producers of Durex paint have used the German Shepherd in their adverts since the 1960s. The advertisements became so popular that ‘Dulux dog’ has become a colloquial term for the German Shepherd.
Shepherd Dash took the part of the Dulux Dog for eight years, followed by Fernville Lord Digby and Gambit. Five of the dogs won shows and had to be constantly groomed to keep them looking their best. You can imagine the hair!
The Churchill Insurance dog is the well-known nodding British Bulldog whose catchphrase is ‘oh yes!’ The advertisers were challenged recently over claims that the dog says the ‘f’ word in one of the commercials. Here’s the link, I’ll leave you to decide.
Taco and Bell used a Chihuahua in their adverts between 1994 and 2009. Voiced by Carlos Alazraqui the dog was favoured because it is a Mexican breed. The dogs chosen for the part included Dinky and Gidget.
Let’s not forget the Emmerdale Daz Dogs!
It’s amazing how the well-loved family pet has found its way into advertising in the hope that a cute canine face will help to boost sales and become a memorable household name.
Interesting Musical Instruments
I am going to look at two interesting electronic instruments, namely the Theremin and the Moog Synthesizer.
The Theremin is recognisable for its eerie sounds. It was patented by the Russian inventor Leon Theremin in 1928. The instrument is controlled without contact as it has two antennas (frequency and amplitude) which sense the hands. The electric signals are sent through an amplifier.
Owing to its spooky sounds the Theremin has found its way onto movie soundtracks such as Spellbound, The Day The Earth Stood Still and also the series of Midsummer Murders which began on ITV in 1997.
Moog synthesizers were designed by Robert Moog and refer to an analogue or digital synthesizer. The Moog company began selling their synths in the 1950s. During the 1960s the instrument was demonstrated at the International Pop Festival in 1967. In 1968 Wendy Carolos’ Switched-on Bach became the highest selling recording of its time. In the 1970s Rossini and Beethoven on Moog featured in the soundtrack of Kubrick's Clockwork Orange. The first rock recordings using Moog synths were Strange Days by The Doors and Satanic Majesty’s Request (The Rolling Stones) Moogs were also used in The Persauder’s theme composed by the late John Barry.
John Barry,
Midsomer Murders,
The Man With The Midas Touch. Goodbye John Barry
The musician John Barry died yesterday of a heart attack. The composer’s career spanned fifty years during which time he won numerous awards for his work. Barry was accredited academy awards for the scores of Born Free, Lion in Winter, Out of Africa and Dancing With Wolves.
The York born artist studied at St Peter’s School and took composition lessons from the organ minister of York Minster. He trained as a classical pianist but also learned to play the trumpet. Barry later studied under Jazz musician Bill Russo and the jazz influences are prominent in his scores.
It was during his National Service that Barry began performing. His big break came working with Adam Faith as he arranged scores and songs for Faith. The music of the 1960s film Beat Girl was the first score which Barry both composed and conducted. He went on to form the band The John Barry Seven and their hits included the theme for Juke Box Jury.
Barry was employed by EMI between 1959 and 1962 but he transferred to Ember records in 1962. In 1971 Barry wrote the theme for the Persuaders using Moog Synthesizers.
In 1988 Barry suffered a ruptured oesophagus which put him out of work for two years.
The composer was unsuccessfully married four times.
- Barbara Pickard 1959-63
- Jane Birkin 1965-1968
- Jane Sidney 1969 – 1971
He had four children.
The Dr No dispute
James Bond producers were unhappy with the music written for Dr. No and so they asked John Barry to work on the score which was originally written by Monty Norman. Norman went on to take all the credit for the film score and in 2001 the case went to court.
Norman received all the credit because he was the person contracted to write the score, whereas Barry was seen as the ‘ghost writer’.
Barry worked on 11 of the James bond tunes, collaborating with artists such as Duran Duran and A-ha.
The composer’s contributions will no double be sadly missed as, although he did not always take credit, many musicians regarded him as a mentor.
Subliminal Messaging In The Media
Subliminal messaging officially began in 1897 allowing advertisers and the media to slip information into our subconscious often without us being aware of it. Every day our conscious and subconscious are bombarded with images which can affect the way we feel. Television has been described as the largest tool for mass hypnosis. There are a number of ways in which messages are used through sight and sound. These include sex in promotional artwork, auditory repetition of brand names and manipulation of language in political broadcasting.
Backmasking is a technique whereby a song or piece of music has a different meaning when played backwards. Some say that The Beatles were masters of backmasking but I disagree. I am very sceptical and believe that some people with nothing better to do looked for controversy in the Beatles music. Other musicians who are said to have backmasked their songs include Britney Spears, Hannah Montana and Eifel Sixty-five.
- Political subliminal messages. In an anti Al Gore statement the opposition emphasized the ‘rats’ in the word ‘democrats’. As the topic was medicine it made me think of animal testing.
Look at this cover of The Simpsons made before the September the 11th bombings. Was it purely coincidental that they chose 9 dollars with a backdrop of the twin towers representing an 11? Or is somebody trying to put across a sinister coded message?
- Subliminals in advertising. My friend and I were in the Co-op and happened to see this packet of Black farmer sausages. Just look at where the arrow is on the packaging. Soon after, the design was changed and the arrow was moved down. Had whoever designed them tried to be racist? or perhaps complimentary towards coloured people, or was it just a coincidence?
In 957 market researcher James Vicary created a movie called ‘Picnic’. In his theatre in New Jersey he showed the movie to 45,000 people. The text based messages ‘eat popcorn’ and ‘drink Cola were displayed once every 3 100ths of a second. His findings were that sales of popcorn rose by 57% and Cola by 18%. Critics claimed the findings were inconclusive.
Wednesday, 4 May 2011
Afghan Girl. The Search For Sharbat Ghula
(Image Wiki)
I usually have trouble getting Triond to find suitable images for my articles but this time the subject of my topic came right up!
An Afghan Girl dressed in red with bright green eyes stares at you from the front Cover of The National Geographic, June 1985. The image was taken by Steve McCurry to highlight the Afghan conflict and the refugee situation and is now the most recognised image in the world.
Sharbat Gula is from the Pashtun Afghan tribe. She was living near Peshawar in Pakistan as a refugee after being orphaned in 1984 following the Soviet Occupation of Afghanistan. There are no records to tell how old she was but roughly twelve years old when the photo was taken. Her identity had remained a mystery until 2002.
Many women came forward claiming to be ‘The Afghan Girl’ after the photograph became famous. In the 90s Gula was found using iris pattern technology. She was found to be living in the mountains of Afghanistan and married with three children. Her husband Rahmut Gul said that the couple married in her early teens. She spends her time between the city and the mountains caring for her children. She can write but she cannot read.
The photograph has intrigued and captivated western audiences ever since it first appeared on the cover of The National Geographic. The magazine set up a charity known as The Afghan Girl’s Fund. In 2002 a documentary featuring Gula was made.
Gula is aptly named ‘The Afghan Mona Lisa.’ It is undoubtedly her beauty and strong features which have made her such a memorable face, and such an icon for war and poverty. Her haunting expression speaks volumes of war torn Afghanistan, in a way that no article could manage to achieve.
green eyes,
National Geographic,
Sharbat Gula
Busy Brits Skimping Oral Hygene Could Be Putting Their Lives At Risk
The human mouth contains 700 types of bacteria and they are not all friendly! We are almost all aware of the importance of good dental hygiene. Brushing twice a day can help to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Regular brushing is also important to ward of extremely unpleasant forms of gum disease. One of these is Gingivitis which can lead to periodontal disease which affects the tissues surrounding the teeth. Left untreated periodontal disease can lead to loose teeth, even tooth loss.
What you may not be aware of are the studies which have been done into a possible link between poor dental hygiene and heart attacks. Two types of harmful oral bacteria are Streptococcus gordonii and streptococcus sanguinis. A study by Bristol University concluded that such bacteria contribute to the formation of blood clots leading to heart attacks and strokes. The bacteria clump together in the heart arteries hanging on to fatty plaques.
A Scottish study also linked gum disease with heart problems. It concluded that those with poor dental hygiene had a 70% higher chance of developing the disease compared with those who brushed regularly.
On the 24th of May 2010 the BBC announced Many Britains ‘too busy for a proper brush’ of their teeth. According to the article, one in three Britains do not give their teeth the daily two minutes in the morning and evening recommended by the British Dental Health Foundation.
A survey by Sovereign Healthcare claims that 80% of those questioned put off dental appointments for financial reasons. It’s not surprising people are getting their priorities in the wrong order with NHS waiting lists soaring and the cost of a private crown is equal to that of a foreign holiday!
Poor dental hygiene and gum disease in pregnant women may lead to premature births. The University of North Carolina conducted a five year study on pregnant women and found that those with poor dental health and gum disease were between five and seven times more likely to go into labour prematurely. The baby may also be of a low birth weight.
What is the connection?
According to The University of North Carolina harmful bacteria in the bloodstream as a result of gum disease may be passed through the placenta. There have also been reports of pre eclampsia in pregnant women with gum disease.
Gum disease also increases the risk of mouth cancers and pancreatic cancer in males.
Other incentives to brush up on your teeth
Gum disease causes bad breath which will not go away.
People with diabetes should take extra care of their teeth because the elevated glucose levels in the body can cause tooth damage and gum disease.
Those with osteoporosis should pay more attention to dental hygiene too.
Cavities can form while you sleep so using Fluoride toothpaste before you go to bed will let you sleep easy knowing your teeth are taken care of overnight.
Bacteria can damage and weaken tooth enamel making it sensitive and brittle.
Tartar build up can only be removed by a professional dentist although brushing with a tartar preventative paste can help.
5 ways you can protect your teeth
- Brush twice a day for 2 minutes with a Fluoride toothpaste
- Floss
- Use a mouth wash
- Avoid excessive sugary foods
- Visit your dentist for regular check ups
Think you have gum disease?
Periodontal disease is normally painless, but if you have swollen or bleeding gums, gaps appearing between your teeth, receding gums or painful sores it is time to see a dentist.
While factors such as a sedatory lifestyle, poor diet and smoking are seen as the major factors which cause life threatening illness, we must not ignore the importance of tooth care as well.
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