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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

What Are Your Children Really Watching (Looking For Controversy In Disney Movies

(Image Wiki)
Subliminal messages are those given out which pass by our conscious perception. There are different types such as visual and audio. The media influences us through advertising and films. The moral messages in movies for children are usually obvious. They seem wholesome enough such as the triumph of good over evil; beauty is only skin deep and money isn’t everything.
The topic of subliminal messages in Disney came up as a topic in a Triond search. I wanted to know what it was all about so I followed the links. Next thing I know I am seeing videos of The Wizard of Oz where a Munchkin allegedly hangs himself. After that I am seeing the Little Mermaid priest getting a little too excited at the wedding. Aladdin apparently asks teenagers to take off their clothes and some dust disturbed by the Lion King Spells the word SEX.
Freud defined sex as the driving force behind human existence, so it should be unsurprising then to see subtle sexual references in everything we see and do and that includes Disney films. The word SEX is said to be visible in elements such as water fire and smoke in numerous occasions. I prefer to think that it is actually SFX (for special effects)
Secret messages could be down to a number of things
  1. Coincidental human error
  2. Something which could be mistaken for a phallic image, etc. and is yet innocent.
  3. Genuine intent.
The hanged Munchkin
There is a lot of talk about the Munchkin who allegedly hangs himself on the set of The Wizard of OZ though no evidence I have seen in conclusive. What people have mistaken for a hanging is actually a bird flapping its wings. The incident may have happened or it may not, whatever the case I am sure it sold movies!
Why would Disney have allowed artists to include inappropriate or controversial goings on in movie backgrounds, misinterpretable dialogue or sexual images?
It is true that modern movies such as Shrek contain double entendres which young children will not understand, in order that the films appeal to a wider audience. The same could be true of old Disney films.
It has been said that Walt Disney was not a pleasant man to work for. Apparently on one of Walt’s birthdays his employees got together and made a movie sketch for him as a gift. He allegedly sacked the lot of them. With this in mind is it not possible that a disgruntled worker would draw something in a movie frame as a protest? Take a look at cover of The Little mermaid and decide for yourself.
Satanic Symbolism
If you look at the Prince’s eyes as he falls from the castle in ‘Beauty and the Beast’, you will be able to see
All in the (perverted) mind?
A look at a few more examples of subliminal messages.
  1. In The Rescuers there is a very naughty image in a window. Disney took responsibility and the movie was recalled.
  2. Somebody has drawn a phallic shape as part of the Castle in The Little Mermaid.

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