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Saturday, 7 May 2011

Successful Niche Blogging For Writers

(Image wiki)

With the growth of the internet and digital services, niche blogging has become a profitable business for many people. There are a wealth of ideas to choose from such as dating, flower arranging, health and beauty and so on.
For writers, niche blogging means that traffic to your pages pays per click, so not only are you getting your name and content recognised but you are also making an income from each visitor.
Niche blogging should not be mistaken for splogging. A term which refers to spam blogging. In other words internet traffic is directed to fake, empty or non-existent websites. Niche bloggers use genuine content links and genuine web platforms.
As a writer, if you are planning to go in for niche blogging then I suggest two options. The first is ready-made niche blog sites such as Triond, Bukisa and Wiki Nut. These sites are free to join and users can display a wide range of topic on their profile.
While Wiki Nut and Bukisa categorise your content to be displayed on relevant areas of their site, Triond farms out articles to be shown on the most relevant websites such as Computersite, Socybery and Heathmad.
The Triond user’s profile acts as a platform for links and there is no actual content on Triond itself. Writers are paid per view and the websites upon which content are displayed contain pop up advertisements. There are two figures on your user account, one shows your pay received by content and the other shows what you have accumulated if you have added AdSense to your account.
If you want to go it alone then you can set up your own niche blog. This must be paid for. The website can be monetised using Google AdSense or Clickbank. Once your blog is set up then it will begin generating income.
A writer’s niche blog is not easy money. You must write regularly and consistently in order to gain an audience and keep them. When you are starting out, the best way to generate traffic is to link your articles to as many social bookmarking sites as possible. Some are good while others are a waste of time. I would recommend the following.
  1. Facebook and Twitter
  2. Stumbleupon
  3. Digg
  4. Zoolo
  5. Xanga
  6. Delicious
  7. Google bookmarks
  8. Reddit
  9. Myspace
  10. Amazon bookmarks

Setting up a profile with each of these is a time consuming business but once you have done it you can look for a ‘bookmarking demon’ which is a site made to enable  you link all your new articles to your chosen bookmark sites in a matter of minutes.
You cannot be impatient in this business! After a few years you will start to see a rise in your earnings even when you are away from your desk.  

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