(Image Wiki)
If he says he loves you just before you go to bed and certainly if he says he won’t sleep without you.
Too soon…
Judge the amount of time you have known each other before he says he loves you. If it’s very soon after you have met he may just be using the three magic words to make you feel secure enough to sleep with him.
His own agenda…
If he only says I love you before sex, during sex…
Commitment phobe/player
If he uses ILY but is seeing someone else. I know that people’s love lives are not black and white but if he is behaving like this then there is a hell of a lot of grey. He may be doing it for various reasons such as trying to get more cake while he’s eating it, because he is insecure or simply downright cowardly.
The gratefully repressed
If he says he loves you but he can’t be with you for whatever reason. Let’s call these types of men ‘the gratefully repressed’. They secretly thank fuck they’ve got ‘issues’ or they might have to commit! Sometimes these ‘reasons’ don’t even exist. They are just a good way of getting what they want short term and then turning round and saying ‘oh I couldn’t possibly get serious.’
Pointless effort ….
If he says he loves you a lot before you get intimate and then afterwards he doesn’t bother much or seems irritated by hearing you say it. A dead cert that something is amiss. He used ILY as a tool and now that he is getting the sex, the kindness and affection he has stopped using it, even passing it off as irritating.
Lastly and most importantly, trust your gut. If he says he loves you, pours out his heart to you and showers you with gifts and yet you sense that something is wrong, you may well be right.
‘Dr can you see the real me?’ ( The Who)
Real love is a beautiful thing but it can be all too easy to get caught up in a whirlwind romance which is as genuine as glass diamonds. I hope this article will help you sort the wheat from the chaff!
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